




1日目 – 5月18日(水)


Moderator: Chiaki Kawanishi (Sapporo Medical University)
  1. Yukio Saito (Chair, Japanese Association for Suicide Prevention)
  2. Ella Arensman (President, International Association for Suicide Prevention)
  3. Ministry of Health
  4. Teruhiko Higuchi (Honorary President of National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry)
  5. Hiroko Minami (President, University of Kochi)
11:00-12:30プレナリー・セッション 1
“The past, present and future of suicide prevention”
Chair: Ella Arensman (International Association for Suicide Prevention)
Yoshinori Cho (Teikyo University)
Speaker: Ella Arensman (International Association for Suicide Prevention)
Tadashi Takeshima (Kawasaki City)
Jin Pyo Hong (Samsung Medical Center)
Ming-Been Lee (National Taiwan University College of Medicine)
12:40-13:30ランチョン・セミナー 1
“Psychological trauma and suicide”
Chair: Kazuhiro Yoshiuchi (The University of Tokyo)
Speaker: Yoshiharu Kim (National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry)
Co-Sponsor: Mitsubishi Tanabe Pharma Corporation, Yoshitomiyakuhin Corporation
14:00-15:30ワークショップ 1
“Community-based suicide prevention: theory and practice”
Chair: Ulrich Hegerl (University of Leipzig)
Speaker: Hirofumi Oyama (Aomori University of Health and Welfare)
Yutaka Ono (Center for the Development of Cognitive Behavior Therapy Training)
Ulrich Hegerl (University of Leipzig)
16:00-18:00プレナリー・セッション 2
“Policy and strategy for suicide prevention”
Chair: Lars Mehlum (University of Oslo)
Speaker: Lars Mehlum (University of Oslo)
Annette Beautrais (University of Canterbury)
Chiaki Kawanishi (Sapporo Medical University Graduate School of Medicine)
Vladimir Carli (Karolinska Institutet)

第2会場(中会議室 I-AB)

14:00-15:30シンポジウム 1
“The management system of suicide high-risk group in Korea”
18:30-20:30Welcome Ceremony


14:00-15:30シンポジウム 2
“The Zero Suicide in Healthcare Initiative: An International Declaration and Social Movement”
16:00-18:00プレナリー・セッション 3
“Restriction of access to lethal means”
Chair: Paul Yip (The University of Hong Kong)
Speaker: Ying-Yeh Chen (Taipei City Psychiatric Center, Taipei City Hospital and National Yang-Ming University)
Hong Jin Jeon (Sungkyunkwan University)
Ken Inoue (Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine)
Michael Phillips (Shanghai Mental Health Center)

2日目 – 5月 19日(木)


8:30-10:30プレナリー・セッション 4
“Role of religion in suicide prevention”
Chair: Yoshinori Cho (Teikyo University)
Takaaki David Ito(Sophia University)
Speaker: Susumu Shimazono (Institute of Grief Care)
Norichika Horie (University of Tokyo)
Takaaki David Ito (Sophia University)
Sooin Lee (Hallym University)
Lakshmi Vijayakumar (SNEHA)
10:30-12:30日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会 ジョイント・シンポジウム
“Suicide prevention in primary care”
Chair: Kazuhiro Yoshiuchi (The University of Tokyo)
Michiko Moriyama (Hiroshima University)
Speaker: Keiichiro Sakato (Kensei Hospital)
Hiroki Ozawa (Nagasaki University)
Daisuke Son (The University of Tokyo)
Hong Jin Jeon (Sungkyunkwan University)
12:40-13:30ランチョン・セミナー 2
“Suicide and Dementia – Especially on dementia with Lewy bodies”
Chair: Toshinari Odawara (Yokohama City University)
Speaker: Kenji Kosaka (Yokohama City University)
Co-sponsor: Eisai Co., Ltd.
14:00-16:00ワークショップ 2
“Policy and strategy in Asia Pacific region”
Chair: Lakshmi Vijayakumar (SNEHA)
Yasushi Ishida(University of Miyazaki)
Speaker: Jong-Ik Park (Kangwon National University Hospital)
Shih-Cheng Liao (Taiwan Suicide Prevention Center)
Maniam Thambu (Universiti Kebangsaan)
16:30-18:00シンポジウム 7
“Suicide and Emergency Medicine: Challenges for the future”

第2会場(中会議室 I-AB)

9:00-10:30プレナリー・セッション 5
“Intervention for self-harm/suicide attempt”
Chair: Mitsuhiko Yamada (National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry)
Speaker: Vita Poštuvan (University of Primorska)
Navneet Kapur (University of Manchester)
Annette Beautrais (University Of Canterbury)
Masatoshi Inagaki (Okayama University Hospital)
10:30-12:00シンポジウム 3
“Suicide Prevention in Older Adults : Part 1″
12:40-13:30ランチョン・セミナー 3
“Biological Aspects of Suicide”
Chair: Jun Ishigouoka (Institute of CNS Pharmacology)
Speaker: Osamu Shirakawa (Kindai University Faculty of Medicine)
Co-sponsor: Pfizer.Japan.Inc
14:00-15:30シンポジウム 5
“Suicide Prevention in Older Adults: Part 2”
16:30-18:00シンポジウム 8
“Preventing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans (LGBT) Youth Suicide”


10:30-12:00シンポジウム 4
“Suicidal behavior in children and adolescents in Asian countries”
14:00-15:30シンポジウム 6
“Current situation and future direction of suicide survivor support”
16:30-18:00シンポジウム 9
“Pacific peoples and suicide: Altering the conversations”

3日目 – 5月 20日(金)


9:00-10:30プレナリー・セッション 6
“Addiction and Suicide prevention”
Chair: Sachio Matsushita (Kurihama Medical and Addiction Center)
Sulki Chung (Chung-Ang University)
Speaker: Sulki Chung (Chung-Ang University)
Hae-Kook Lee (Catholic University)
Toshihiko Matsumoto (National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry)
Akitoyo Hishimoto (Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine)
10:30-12:30ワークショップ 3
“Suicide prevention in islands”
Chair: Tsuyoshi Kondo (University of the Ryukyus)
Speaker: Stéphane Amadeo(Centre Hospitalier de Polynésie française & Association SOS Suicide)
Dinah P Nadera(Foundation for Advancing Wellness, Instruction and Talents, Inc.)
Osamu Tanaka (Aomori Prefectural Mental Health and Welfare Center)
Yuko Kusumoto(Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences)
12:40-13:30ランチョン・セミナー 4
“Treatment of bipolar disorders from the perspective of QOL (quality of life) and suicide prevention”
Chair: Chiaki Kawanishi (Sapporo Medical University Graduate School of Medicine)
Speaker: Yoshinori Cho (Teikyo University Mizonokuchi Hospital)
Co-sponsor: GlaxoSmithKline
14:00-16:00WHO-IASP Workshop
Chair: Alexandra Fleischmann (World Health Organization)
Ella Arensman (International Association for Suicide Prevention)
Speaker: Alexandra Fleischmann (World Health Organization)
Ella Arensman (International Association for Suicide Prevention)
Hirofumi Oyama (Aomori University of Health and Welfare)
Tadashi Takeshima (Health and Welfare Bureau, Kawasaki City)
16:00-18:00プレナリー・セッション 7
“Suicide and media: is there only Werther effect?”
Chair: Jane E Pirkis (University of Melbourne)
Hirokazu Tachikawa (University of Tsukuba)
Speaker: Jane E Pirkis (University of Melbourne)
Thomas Niederkrotenthaler (Medical University of Vienna)
Hirokazu Tachikawa (University of Tsukuba)
Steven Stack (Wayne State University)

第2会場(中会議室 I-AB)

Chair: Atsuo Sekiyama (Osaka University)
Speaker: Shunji Mitsuyoshi (The University of Tokyo)
Shinichi Tokuno (The University of Tokyo)
Yasuhiro Omiya (PST Corporation, Inc.)
Kenji Miyazaki (Mitsui Knowledge Industry CO., LTD.)
Toshimi Okazaki (Mazda Motor Corporation)
Sponsored by The University of Tokyo, PST Corporation, Inc., Mitsui Knowledge Industry CO., LTD. and Mazda Motor Corporation
12:40-13:30ランチョン・セミナー 5
“The Relationship Between Dementia Caregiver’s Burden and Depression”
Chair: Masatoshi Takeda (Aino University)
Speaker: Manabu Ikeda (Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine)
Co-sponsor: NOVARTIS
14:00-16:00ワークショップ 4
Chair: Masaru Horikoshi (National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry)
Speaker: Aiko Suzuki (Suicide Survivors Support)
Tadayuki Fuji (Suicide Survivors Support)
Kenji Kawano (Ritsumeikan University)
Karl Andriessen (UNSW School of Psychiatry)
16:30-18:00プレナリー・セッション 8
“Trauma and Suicide Prevention”
Chair: Hyun Soo Kim (Seonam University College of Medicine)
Makiko Kaga (Tokyo Metropolitan Tobu Ryoiku Center)
Speaker: Jong-Woo Paik (Kyung Hee University)
Soo Young Bhang (Eulji University)
Junko Yagi (Iwate Child Care Center, Iwate Medical University)
Kotaro Otsuka (Iwate Medical University)


10:30-12:00シンポジウム 10
“Protecting our youth from suicide”
14:00-15:30シンポジウム 11
“Suicide prevention programs for emergency and protective services employees”
会場: 権八 G-Zone銀座(http://www.gonpachi.jp/gallery/

4日目 – 5月 21日(土)


9:00-10:00スペシャル・レクチャー 1
“Suicide Prevention from a Global Perspective”
Chair: Brian Mishara (University of Quebec)
Speaker: Alexandra Fleischmann (World Health Organization)
10:00-10:30第 40回日本自殺予防学会総会 開会式
Chair: Yoshinori Cho (Teikyo University)
Chiaki Kawanishi(Sapporo Medical University Graduate School of Medicine)
Speaker: Tadashi Takeshima(Health and Welfare Bureau, Kawasaki City)
Ella Arensman(International Association for Suicide Prevention)
Yoshinori Cho (Teikyo University)
Jong-Woo Paik(Kyung Hee University/Korea Psychological Autopsy Center)
Naoya Sugiyama(Numazu Chuo Hospital, Fukko-kai Foundation)
12:40-13:30ランチョン・セミナー 6
“Finding autistic traits among depressed adults in usual clinical settings”
Chair: Yoshio Hirayasu (Yokohama City University)
Speaker: Tsuyoshi Kondo (University of the Ryukyus)
Co-sponsor: Eli Lilly Japan K.K. , SHIONOGI & CO.,LTD.
市民公開講座 / 同時通訳有
挨拶: 堀井 茂男(日本いのちの電話連盟理事長)
座長: 齋藤 友紀雄(日本自殺予防学会理事長)
演者: ブライアン・ミシャラ(モントリオール・ケベック大学)
伊藤 みどり(関西生命線)
指定発言: ラクシュミ・ヴィジャヤクマール(自殺予防団体「スネハ(Sneha)」)
植村 圭子(奈良いのちの電話)
17:00-17:30閉会式 (IASP & JASP)

第2会場(中会議室 I-AB)

8:30-10:00シンポジウム 12
“Working Minds: Suicide Prevention in High Risk Industries”
10:30-12:10JASP シンポジウム 1日本語
座長: 藤瀬 昇(熊本大学医学部附属病院・神経精神科)
演者: 稲村 茂(メンタルクリニック秋田駅前)
渡邉 直樹(メンタルホスピタルかまくら山 名誉院長)
大塚 耕太郎(岩手医科大学医学部 災害・地域精神医学講座)
大山 博史(青森県立保健大学 健康科学部)
12:40-13:30ランチョン・セミナー 7
“Comprehensive Recovery Programs in Japan—Suicide Prevention of Workforce”
Chair: Jun Nakamura (University of Occupational and Environmemtal Health)
Speaker: Tsuyoshi Akiyama (NTT Medical Center Tokyo)
Co-sponsor: Meiji Seika Pharma Co.,Ltd.
14:00-15:40JASP シンポジウム 3 日本語
座長: 大野 裕(一般社団法人 認知行動療法研修開発センター)
演者: 張 賢徳(帝京大学溝口病院精神神経科)
里村 淳((医)恵征会 富士見メンタルクリニック)
河西 千秋(札幌医科大学大学院医学研究科精神機能病態学)
織田 裕行(関西医科大学 附属滝井病院)

第3会場(中会議室 I-C)

8:30-10:00シンポジウム 13
“An update on the epidemiology of elder suicides in East Asia”


9:00-10:00スペシャル・レクチャー 2
“Register data study for suicide prevention: insights and implications”
Chair: 米本 直裕(京都大学大学院医学研究科)
Speaker: Ping Qin(University of Oslo)
10:30-12:10JASP シンポジウム 2 日本語
座長: 飯森 眞喜雄(いいもりこころの診療所、東京医科大学名誉教授)
演者: 佐藤 久男(あきた自殺対策センター 蜘蛛の糸)
太刀川 弘和(筑波大学医学医療系臨床医学域精神医学)
阪中 順子(四天王寺学園小学校中学校)
高橋 祥友(筑波大学医学医療系 災害精神支援学)
12:40-13:30ランチョン・セミナー 8日本語
座長: 飯森 眞喜雄(東京医科大学)
演者: 内山 真(日本大学医学部 精神医学系)
Co-sponsor: MSD 株式会社